
Putting Ideas Into Action After FLOW

I take a deep breath, swing open the car door, pop the umbrella, grab my stuff and make a run for the office through the pouring rain. Just another day in Jersey! As I’m jumping over the puddles I hear my iPhone ringing and think here we go.

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Friday Blog Scan: Things We Liked from the Week That Was

To fail or not to fail. Just as real estate is finally contending with the reality that newspapers really don’t deliver value and that their demise might open up mew opportunities, Washington steps in and talks bailout. Is this a good idea? The Business Insider Silicon Alley had some thoughts on that this week.

Lynda Gratton is a professor at London Business School. She often writes smart/feel good articles. Learn to Glow is one such example that offers us insight into how to become invaluable at work.

Can you over Twitter? Yup. And when you do, you run the risk of loosing followers. Check this video by RodneyB from Reachd.

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One Size Will Not Fit All in the Future

In the early days of the economic downturn, many broker owners took a “wait and see” position, hopeful that the market would turn around quickly. As the bad news continued, survival mode kicked in and brokers found themselves playing catch up and making tough decisions they never thought they would have to make such as closing offices, downsizing staff, merging with competitors. The focus was primarily on doing the things in the present that would help guarantee a place in the future. Times such as these do not allow most of us the luxury of thinking ahead and planning for what the future will look like in this industry.

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Friday Blog Scan: Things We Liked from the Week That Was

Bill Gates, Barry Diller and about a billion dollars in venture capital have been thrown at real estate. Yet for the most part, the transaction today looks almost identical to what it was back in 1990. Brian Boero from 1000wattconsulting takes a peak at real estate past and present. He wonders if we have reached the end of the real estate story or not. This is a riveting post worth reading.

Lon Cohen, writer and Director of Communication at als-ny.org publishes 7 Ways to Approach Twitter published on Mashable that includes a litany of great links to learn by example.

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