Share This, Not That: How to Post Successfully on Social Media
You’ve been hearing it for a while now: you should be on social media. You should be marketing yourself on social media. You’ve got it.
You’ve been hearing it for a while now: you should be on social media. You should be marketing yourself on social media. You’ve got it.
Knowing what the demographics are in your local market will help you determine opportunities and marketing strategies to connect with local buyers and sellers. One
The affordability quotient for buyers is extraordinary at this time. In fact, it is difficult to find a good reason why qualified buyers should wait
In a 24-7 news cycle, it is near impossible to keep up with the latest headlines. More frequently, people are looking to Facebook as an
As our industry becomes more and more competitive, it is often tempting to focus on what everyone else is doing bigger, better, and faster. You
The influence and prevalence of social networking site Twitter was made abundantly clear when news on the death of Osama Bin Laden broke Sunday evening.
Automobile companies have always seemed to engage well with consumers. Through innovative commercials, webisodes and other initiatives, their marketing departments have successfully communicated and excited
I am sure this is not the first article to use this phrase in conjunction this particular subject, but I will give Wendy Forsythe, SVP
Although the northeast is under a winter storm watch, it is time to start thinking about getting your home ready for spring and summer! The
I think this is such a tantalizing time of year. Spring-like weather comes in fits and starts before finally hitting its stride. Here’s hoping spring
Social media – as an investment – received a big boost this week when JPMorgan Chase announced that it is starting a new fund for
After all of the pre-game buzz, did you think the advertisements during the Super Bowl lived up to the hype? Some were controversial (Groupon’s play
Better Homes and Gardens® Real Estate is a dynamic real estate brand that offers a full range of services to brokers, sales associates and home buyers and sellers. Using innovative technology, sophisticated business systems and the broad appeal of a lifestyle brand, Better Homes and Gardens Real Estate embodies the future of the real estate industry while remaining grounded in the tradition of home. Better Homes and Gardens Real Estate LLC is a subsidiary of Anywhere Real Estate, a global provider of real estate services.
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