Better Homes and Gardens® Real Estate is proud to announce the winners of the brand’s 2021 Awards. These are special recognitions awarded to top brokerages and sales professionals for exceptional leadership, superior service, and exemplary sales. With a network of nearly 12,600 affiliated sales professionals, associates nominated their broker and sales associate peers who have proven to demonstrate exceptional leadership, superior service, and business excellence among four notable categories: Marketing, Community Involvement, Technology, and P.A.I.G.E., the brand’s core values, which stand for Passion, Authenticity, Inclusion, Growth and Excellence.
Better Homes and Gardens® Real Estate is proud to honor the following:
Excellence Awards
P.A.I.G.E. Award
This award honors one company, one team and one sales professional on their dedication and consistent display of the brand’s core values; Passion, Authenticity, Inclusion, Growth and Excellence (P.A.I.G.E.) to expand their business and provide excellent service.

Better Homes and Gardens Real Estate Base Camp

Terry Rensman, Better Homes and Gardens Real Estate Maturo
Community Involvement Award
This award is designed to recognize one company and one sales professional or team that has donated funds, time and/or manpower to help improve the lives of others.

Better Homes and Gardens Real Estate Thomas Group
Marketing Award
This honor is awarded on the merit of a marketing strategy that has significantly benefited the winner’s business. Criteria also includes\ proof of success leveraging brand tools and positioning in their marketing efforts in a unique way through advertising, social media, video or public relations.

Better Homes and Gardens Real Estate Heritage
Technology Award
This award recognizes one individual company highly focused on cutting-edge technology and the effective use of Better Homes and Gardens Real Estate’s technology tools.

Better Homes and Gardens Real Estate Reliance Partners
Green Door of Distinction
This award recognizes one individual company highly focused on cutting-edge technology and the effective use of This award recognizes one individual company that has created a beautifully designed office space that is more than a place for work and technology, but an environment that inspires and fosters the BHGRE® brand team-spirit. A collaborative space dedicated to learning, business growth and the embodiment of the core values and standards of Better Homes and Gardens Real Estate.

Better Homes and Gardens Real Estate Winans
Rookie of the Year
Celebrating the success of a recent licensee, this award is a performance and nomination-based award that will be given to one top rookie, nation-wide, with the highest closed unit count for the current year and one top rookie, nationwide, with the highest volume for the current year.

Emily Ware, Better Homes and Gardens Real Estate The Good Life Group
Top Industry Performers
Congratulations to our 2021 production award recipients for companies, teams and sales associates across its global network. Honorees represent the BHGRE® brand’s highest-ranked performers among more than 12,600 affiliated sales professionals and approximately 410 offices across the United States, Australia, Canada, Jamaica and The Bahamas. Winners reflect the top producers in both closed units and sales volume.
“I am proud of the dedication and exceptional guest service our affiliated agents put into practice every day,” said Sherry Chris, President and CEO of Better Homes and Gardens Real Estate LLC. “The BHGRE® network continues to embrace the future of the real estate industry, providing the best possible experience for their clients and communities. We are thrilled to honor this year’s strongest performers who have demonstrated relentless drive and tremendous passion in the pursuit of excellence.”
Top ranking, performance-based winners include:
Company Rankings: Units

1. Better Homes and Gardens Real Estate Gary Greene

2. Better Homes and Gardens Real Estate Metro Brokers

3. Better Homes and Gardens Real Estate The Masiello Group

4. Better Homes and Gardens Real Estate The Good Life Group

5. Better Homes and Gardens Real Estate Kansas City Homes

6. Better Homes and Gardens Real Estate Big Hill

7. Better Homes and Gardens Real Estate Reliance Partners

8. Better Homes and Gardens Real Estate Paracle

9. Better Homes and Gardens Real Estate BloomTree Realty

10.Better Homes and Gardens Real Estate Main Street Properties
Company Rankings: Volume

1. Better Homes and Gardens Real Estate Gary Greene

2. Better Homes and Gardens Real Estate Metro Brokers

3. Better Homes and Gardens Real Estate The Masiello Group

4. Better Homes and Gardens Real Estate Reliance Partners

5. Better Homes and Gardens Real Estate Kansas City Homes

6. Better Homes and Gardens Real Estate The Good Life Group

7. Better Homes and Gardens Real Estate Advantage Realty

8. Better Homes and Gardens Real Estate BloomTree Realty

9. Better Homes and Gardens Real Estate Thrive

10.Better Homes and Gardens Real Estate Reliance Paracle
Team Ranking: Units

1. The Jon Murray Group, Better Homes and Gardens Real Estate Big Hill

2. Cam & Sean’s Real Estate Team, Better Homes and Gardens Real Estate Desert Lifestyle Properties

3. BHG Native American Group Team, Better Homes and Gardens Real Estate Native American Group

4. Copper Real Estate Group, Better Homes and Gardens Real Estate The Good Life Group

5. Guide Team, Better Homes and Gardens Real Estate 43° North

6. Market Makers, Better Homes and Gardens Real Estate Paracle

7. Palmetto Preferred Homes Team, Better Homes and Gardens Real Estate Medley

8. The Jamie Day Team, Better Homes and Gardens Real Estate Big Hill

9. Impact International Group, Better Homes and Gardens Real Estate Preferred Properties

10. Spencer Hasch Team, Better Homes and Gardens Real Estate homecity
Team Ranking Volume

1. Guide Team, Better Homes and Gardens Real Estate 43° North

2. Cam & Sean’s Real Estate Team, Better Homes and Gardens Real Estate Desert Lifestyle Properties

3. BHG Native American Group Team, Better Homes and Gardens Real Estate Native American Group

4. The Wilcox Group, Better Homes and Gardens Real Estate Gary Greene

5. Sarah Conway Properties Team, Better Homes and Gardens Real Estate Gary Greene

6. Spencer Hasch Team, Better Homes and Gardens Real Estate homecity

7. Copper Real Estate Group, Better Homes and Gardens Real Estate The Good Life Group

8. The Elmi Group, Better Homes and Gardens Real Estate Gary Greene

9. Impact International Group, Better Homes and Gardens Real Estate Preferred Properties

10. The Jon Murray Group, Better Homes and Gardens Real Estate Big Hill
Agent Ranking: Units

Perry Butler, Better Homes and Gardens Real Estate Paracle

Tobe Turpen, Better Homes and Gardens Real Estate Steinborn & Associates

Shaun Urwin, Better Homes and Gardens Real Estate 43° North

Jonathan Correa, Better Homes and Gardens Real Estate Hank Correa Realty

Darcey Deetz, Better Homes and Gardens Real Estate Desert Lifestyle Properties

Rhonda Maehl, Better Homes and Gardens Real Estate Welcome Home

Angelia Dodson, Better Homes and Gardens Real Estate Medley

Lisa Cunningham, Better Homes and Gardens Real Estate 43° North

Debbie Rudd, Better Homes and Gardens Real Estate First Realty Group

Kim Wade, Better Homes and Gardens Real Estate Central
Agent Ranking: Volume

Samantha Huang, Better Homes and Gardens Real Estate Thrive

Perry Butler, Better Homes and Gardens Real Estate Paracle

Shaun Urwin, Better Homes and Gardens Real Estate 43° North

Kathy Vendel, Better Homes and Gardens Real Estate Reliance Partners

Kathy Justice, Better Homes and Gardens Real Estate Main Street Properties

Betty Johnson, Better Homes and Gardens Real Estate Gary Greene

Lisa Cunningham, Better Homes and Gardens Real Estate 43° North

Cindy Gee, Better Homes and Gardens Real Estate Reliance Partners

Joe Ventura, Better Homes and Gardens Real Estate Thrive

Kerri O’Hara, Better Homes and Gardens Real Estate 43° North
Owner Ranking: Units

David Medley, Better Homes and Gardens Real Estate Medley

Christian Cobo, Better Homes and Gardens Real Estate Elite

Steffany Farmer, Better Homes and Gardens Real Estate Legacy
Owner Ranking: Volume

Raymond Zogob, Better Homes and Gardens Real Estate BloomTree Realty
Kevin Cesario, Better Homes and Gardens Real Estate By The Sea

Christian Cobo, Better Homes and Gardens Real Estate Elite
Bryan Drakulich, Better Homes and Gardens Real Estate Drakulich Realty

David Medley, Better Homes and Gardens Real Estate Medley
Owner-Led Team Ranking: Units

The Misty SOLDwisch Home Selling Team, Better Homes and Gardens Real Estate Innovations

The Star Home Team, Better Homes and Gardens Real Estate Star Homes

Team Kiriu, Better Homes and Gardens Real Estate Advantage Realty
Owner-Led Team Ranking: Volume

Team Kiriu, Better Homes and Gardens Real Estate Advantage Realty

The Misty SOLDwisch Home Selling Team, Better Homes and Gardens Real Estate Innovations

The Star Home Team, Better Homes and Gardens Real Estate Star Homes
Brokerage Net Growth Awards
This award recognizes the top three brokerages with the highest percentage growth of volume comparing the award year to the previous year. The award is given across three volume categories based on 2021 performance.

$350 million in volume and above
Better Homes and Gardens Real Estate Journey

$75 million to $349.9 million in volume
Better Homes and Gardens Real Estate Pristine

$74.9 million and below
Better Homes and Gardens Real Estate Macy & Co.
Most Productive Brokerage
This award honors companies as being the “most productive brokerages,” based on per person productivity using the average agent count for 2021. The award is given across volume and units based on the size of the company.

Brokerage with >100 Sales Professionals – Volume
Better Homes and Gardens Real Estate Advantage Realty

Brokerage with >100 Sales Professionals – Units
Better Homes and Gardens Real Estate Steinborn & Associates

Brokerage with < 100 Sales Professionals – Units/ Volume
Better Homes and Gardens Real Estate Hank Correa Realty