How to Make a Difference in Your Local Community

senior couple with groceries

Now is the time for agents and brokers to reach out and share relevant information with past and current clients. Many companies have sent emails notifying customers how they are handling operations during this unprecedented time, but it’s key to go above and beyond. Show you care by providing them with beneficial information. 

Agents should monitor what’s happening locally in addition to the national or global news. Become a go-to source for local information and helpful ideas in your community. Below are a few things you can share: 

  • What services are open in the area 
  • Adjusted store hours and reserved times at stores for the elderly or immune-compromised 
  • Great deals around town 
  • Special offering from local stores and restaurants.
  • Tips for supporting local businesses  
  • Ways to stay safe when going out 
  • Updates from the police department, public works and local government websites as well as the local senior center and food bank. 

You can also help others by using various apps and social media outlets to see if there are people who may benefit from your assistance. 

  • Check the Nextdoor app or neighborhood Facebook groups to see if anyone needs help getting groceries or needs something you might be able to provide or help pick up. 
  • Browse the Coronavirus Information Center section on Facebook. Check the People Requesting Help section to see if you can help any of the people in a variety of ways. You can also post in the People Offering Help section and offer your services.  

Don’t forget to wear protective gear and take the necessary precautions while helping others. Make sure you follow CDC recommendations.  

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