You have invested time and money into a lead capture system, putting hours of work into the creation of lead generation and content strategies designed to capture the attention of today’s tech-savvy homebuyer.
Since your system was launched, you have actively utilized social media to promote and market your website, yet your efforts are futile. You receive poor conversion rates and the potential buyers that do stop by, quickly bounce away never to return.
If this sounds familiar, you are not alone.
Online Search Surges
A recent study by NAR and Google shows that real estate related searches on grew 253 percent over the past four years. This is exciting news for any agent looking to capitalize on the huge surge in online search.
This means you will need to make the necessary changes to capture their attention. While your website and lead generation system may currently be failing, there is hope! With a few adjustments, you can better your capture and conversion rate.
The following are six ways to boost initial impact and improve website lead capture and conversion rate.
How to Improve Website Lead Capture and Conversions
1. Distinguish Your Personal Brand
In order to stand out among the competition, you must identify what qualities distinguish your personal brand. This is any distinctive characteristic that sets you apart and gives your business the upper hand.
Do you have a special touch-point system that creates an easy communication plan for each transaction? If so, highlight this within your lead capture marketing. The key is to spell out what makes you different in a sea of the same.
2. Establish Local Expertise
There is an ever-growing customer appetite for web content as 90 percent of potential buyers use the Internet in their home search process. While providing a user-friendly home search experience is important, you also need to establish yourself as a knowledgeable and reputable local professional.
This necessitates that you share knowledge and insight about the community that only someone living and working there would be able to impart about local real estate.
3. Be Responsive
A survey by Lead Qual shows the importance of speed when responding to an internet lead. According to the results, the first person to contact a lead increases conversions by 238{0a8e414e4f0423ce9f97e7209435b0fa449e6cffaf599cce0c556757c159a30c}. What is the reason behind this? It was found that the average consumer will complete 3-5 lead forms for each purchase.
Once they complete that form it can (and will) be sold multiple times. This means each consumer could receive dozens of calls by offering their contact information and consent. This gives the first person to reach the consumer an upper hand. They are able to position their offering first and make competitors play catch-up.
Put systems in place that allows you to respond in a timely manner with a consistent message. It is no secret that the faster you respond, the higher the likelihood that you capture the potential buyers attention while they are still in search mode.
4. Be Clear in Your Value
The “what’s in it for me” question should be answered immediately for any buyer landing on your website. Be straightforward in offering details about you, your services and the value you provide.
And don’t hold back in offering details. Since today’s customers want information, knowledge and helpful ideas, do everything you can to share everything you know. This is the only way to become a valued resource to potential buyers.
5. Track and Measure Results
Once you have your website and lead generation pages set up, you will want to track and consistently analyze what content is working and what is not.
Set up goals within Google analytics to track, measure and identify what changes might need to be made. Paying attention to what searches consumers are making while on your site, what content they are clicking through to and how long they are spending on your site will allow you to adjust your strategy to better meet their needs.
6. Follow Up
Create a follow-up system that keeps you in front of leads on a consistent basis. This maintains your top-of-mind status and keeps interest alive. There are many ways to sustain contact:
- Drip marketing campaign
- Direct mail
- Weekly phone calls
Each of these tasks should be added to your overall lead generation strategy and put into your calendar as a recurring to-do.
Also, be specific in which days you choose. In the Lead Response Management Study, it was found that Wednesdays and Thursdays were the best days to follow up with Thursday coming in as a whopping 49.7 percent better day to call on than the worst day, Tuesday.
What one thing can you do today to create better lead generation results?
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