10 Questions with… Elizabeth Byrne

Elizabeth Byrne is the Brand Marketing Manager for Better Homes and Gardens® Real Estate.

1.    Which of our BHGRE® P.A.I.G.E. (Passion, Authenticity, Inclusion, Growth, Excellence) core values do you identify with most, and why?

Growth. I want to keep learning and trying new things in every aspect of my life, especially with my work here at BHGRE.

2.    What are your favorite qualities in a customer? 

I love when I get to talk to all the people in our network who love the brand as much as I do!

3.    What is the one characteristic that’s helped you the most in your career? 

Our CEO, Sherry Chris, said during Fusion 2019 that here at Better Homes and Gardens® Real Estate, “there is no job too big nor too small. Everyone gets dirty,” and I think that’s always been my mindset. I’m drawn to environments that give you the opportunity to jump in fully.

4.    What was the last book you read? 

Vegetables, Chickens & Bees. An Honest Guide to Growing Your Own Food Anywhere, written by our own, Ask A Pro, Carson Arthur. I am now obsessed with planting a garden!

5.    If you were not in real estate, what would you be doing? 

I would be a writer for Saturday Night Live, but unfortunately, they won’t return my calls.

6.    What was the last song you heard that you couldn’t stop humming? 

Taylor Swift, Shake it Off.

Shoot. Now it’s in my head again…

7.    Who is your real-life hero? 

My sister-in-law. She’s been fighting stage 4 colon cancer for over a decade now, all while raising four amazing kids and not only enjoying her life with her husband and family but helping us all enjoy ours more as well. She’s a tough cookie.

8.    What is your favorite motto? 

“DYB” short for “do your best”. It’s what I yell down the driveway as my sons leave for the day.

9.    If you could sell a home in any market in the world, where would it be? 

Puerto Rico. But I’d much prefer to be the buyer.

10.       What advice would you give your younger self starting out in real estate? 

While I’m not a real estate agent, I would tell someone just starting out at Better Homes and Gardens Real Estate to invest the time and learn all there is to know about what the brand has to offer.  We’ve done much of the ground work for you. It’s important to work hard, but also work smart!

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