10 Questions with Christian Barnes

Christian is president and CEO of Better Homes and Gardens Real Estate Kansas City Homes, headquartered in Overland Park, Kansas.

1.    Which of our BHGRE® P.A.I.G.E. (Passion, Authenticity, Inclusion, Growth, Excellence) core values do you identify with most, and why?

Growth: However not the way most people view that word. In an industry where the only constant is change, continual self-improvement and growth is of utmost importance. Growth, to me, is about improving oneself on a daily basis to ensure you are helping everyone in your tribe, both personally and professionally, reach their full potential.

2.    What are your favorite qualities in a customer? 

Passion. My agents are also my clients in a sense and passion is a quality you can’t teach. If an agent is passionate about what they do and why they do it, the “how” can be taught.

3.    What is the one characteristic that’s helped you the most in your career? 

Grace under pressure. Having the ability to remain calm and collected, even in the most chaotic and challenging situations.

4.    What was the last book you read? 

Fierce Conversations by Susan Scott. Each time I read this book, I learn something new that helps me grow as a leader and deal with those tough but needed conversations that shape our paths.

5.    If you were not in real estate, what would you be doing? 

Selling tacos on a beach!! In all seriousness, likely something in a creative/concierge type role. One that allows me to help others and provide exceptional experiences.

6.    What was the last song you heard that you couldn’t stop humming? 

It was likely a song I can’t name from TikTok, overheard as my 14 year old tried to perfect some new dance moves.

The last one I can remember is Get Along by Kenny Chesney. Such a catchy tune!

7.    Who is your real-life hero? 

My mother. She has been an incredible inspiration and mentor. She taught me the importance of doing the right thing, even if it isn’t popular, and trusting your instincts.

8.    What is your favorite motto? 

If it’s worth doing, it’s worth doing right.

9.    If you could sell a home in any market in the world, where would it be? 

The Amalfi coast in Italy. That area and the homes have always fascinated me.

10.  What advice would you give your younger self starting out in real estate? 

Seize 2 minutes of courage every day: make the tough phone calls, do the things that push you outside of your comfort zone, have the difficult conversations. It’s a roller coaster, learn to strap in and enjoy the ride.

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