Theme days are one of the coolest trends I’ve seen on Twitter to date. If you haven’t noticed these, here are some of the most popular ones during the week:
- Monday: #musicmonday- tell your Twitter followers what your listening to and who your favorite artists are.
- Tuesday: #techtuesday- share a good tech tip with your followers.
- Wednesday: #woofwednesday- my personal favorite when all the Twitter dogs give a woof out to their pack.
- Thursday: #thankfulthursday- share something you are thankful about with your followers.
- Friday: #followfriday- suggest followers to your followers.
Set up a search for each of these days and play along with the Twittersphere. You’ll pick up some great Tweets. For those of you who might be newer to Twitter or just want to check this out go to enter one of the hashtags (ie. #woofwednesday) into the search. You’ll get to see what happens on #woofwednesday.