Define Your Legacy with Ascend
Beyond planning for retirement or creating an exit strategy, formulate a plan to ensure that your brokerage is prosperous for years to come. A strong
Beyond planning for retirement or creating an exit strategy, formulate a plan to ensure that your brokerage is prosperous for years to come. A strong
Better Homes and Gardens® Real Estate provides a guideline on how you can create a master real estate agent marketing plan focused on service, marketing, and helping customers find what they want to increase your referrals.
Change is all around us: we change service providers, change managers, change employees, we even sometimes change our company’s name. Proverbs talk about it (“The
The snow blanketing the northeast truly made a remarkable winter wonderland (well… for those not stuck in airports). To keep warm, it seems, many people
1. Include it in your strategic plan. How many years prior to retirement should there be a plan? Right now is as good a time
A succession plan is as important as life insurance. Please consider your options as early as possible in your tenure. If Buffet were to retire
Let’s get the sad news out of the way first. Last week, Twitter’s oldest user, Ivy Bean, a 104-year-old English woman died. She’ll be sorely
We tell our agents the number one thing they must do to get more business is prospect, prospect, and then prospect some more.
These are the “Dog Days” of March: we still feel winter’s chill (especially here in the northeastern US,) the next major holiday is Memorial Day,
How often have you heard people say “if I could just start over again, I would…” and statements of that type? Please read the following statement
Last week, I had the pleasure of welcoming Gloor Realty Company to the Better Homes and Gardens® Real Estate network. Located in Oak Park, Illinois,
Have you noticed lately that weekday traffic is practically nonexistent and cars move at a snail’s pace on the weekend? Vacation season is here and
Better Homes and Gardens® Real Estate is a dynamic real estate brand that offers a full range of services to brokers, sales associates and home buyers and sellers. Using innovative technology, sophisticated business systems and the broad appeal of a lifestyle brand, Better Homes and Gardens Real Estate embodies the future of the real estate industry while remaining grounded in the tradition of home. Better Homes and Gardens Real Estate LLC is a subsidiary of Anywhere Real Estate, a global provider of real estate services.
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Madison, NJ 07940
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