It’s easy to create an eco-friendly office and make a healthy, sustainable, and productive environment. Below, you will discover several ways to make a greener office that can positively affect your employees’ mindset and health, help save the planet, and even save money.
- Gather every electronic device, cord, monitor, tablet, printer, and used printer cartridge in the office and test all of them. Put the items you no longer use into two piles – one pile for items that still work and can be donated and one for broken devices that should be disposed of in an environmentally friendly way. Search how to dispose of e-waste responsibly so it doesn’t clog landfills and leach toxic materials into the ground.
- Set up recycling bins around your office.

- Stop using single-use items such as plastic utensils, paper plates and cups. Better Homes and Gardens® Real Estate professionals can purchase reusable branded water bottles and more in the swag store in the greenhouse. Not only can you reduce waste, but people recognize the well-known logo and might ask you questions while you are out and about. Win-win.

- Do not stock the kitchen with plastic water bottles. Add a filter system to the sink so people can fill their reusable canteens and glasses.
- Clean the office using eco-friendly products.
- If you must print a document, try to print on both sides of each sheet of paper.
- Opt-out of paper bills and pay electronically.
- Invest in green office supplies and purchase products made from post-consumer content.
- When you’re not in the office, turn off the lights, air conditioning, heat, and electronics.
- If you can, replace the toilet, dishwasher, and other appliances with energy-efficient options.
- Put plants around the office.