It’s here! The last weekend of our Better Homes and Gardens® Real Estate National Open House Month!
How have your open houses gone so far? Have you followed up on the leads from last week? That’s our focus for this last batch of open house tips – getting to know what your attendees are looking for and starting to build the relationship.
1. Greet guests at the door. Many open house attendees are not sure if they should knock, ring the doorbell, or walk in. It also creates a great first impression.
2. Ask your open house guests a lot questions. Pointing out the obvious about the house will not help sell it, but asking your guests about the importance of specific features in their next home will help you identify their wants and needs.
3. First question to ask any guest: What was it about this home that caught your attention?
4. Second question you ask every guest: Do you have a home to sell?
5. Ask your guests where they are in the homebuying process. This information on their progress is important for you to know as you develop a strategic follow-up plan.
6. Ask every guest, “Do you want to buy this home?” They might just say yes, but if the answer is no, then you can find out why, and recommend a different home.
7. Follow up with everyone that attends your open house. There are no good attendees or bad attendees. Just because their personality did not match up with you during a limited interaction does not mean that they will not buy a home.
Whew! We’ve provided so many open house tips during the course of September, and we hope you’ve found them useful. If case you missed our other open house tips, Doing Your Homework, Getting Their Attention, and Staging for Success.
Good luck out there!