Congratulations to all of the Anywhere Leads Network 2023 Award Winners who demonstrated excellence and success throughout 2022! Anywhere Leads Network 2023 CHAIRMAN’S CLUB Better Homes and Gardens Real Estate Native American Group Virginia Beach & Williamsburg, VA Anywhere Leads Network 2023 PRESIDENT’S CLUB Better Homes and Gardens Real Estate Gary Greene Houston, TX Better Homes and Gardens Real Estate …
How to Be an Authentic and Useful Ally
Recent history has been particularly fraught with hatred and prejudice. And while discrimination is anything but new, the conversation on how everyone can make a meaningful difference is taking a firm hold in a fresh, encouraging way. One way to truly make a difference is allyship. By definition, an ally is an individual who speaks out and stands up for …
10 Questions with Joyce Wright Funk
Joyce Wright Funk is broker and co-owner of Better Homes and Gardens Real Estate Rainbow Island Properties in Kilauea, Hawaii. She is also the first black, female owner in the Better Homes and Gardens® Real Estate network. 1. Which of our BHGRE® P.A.I.G.E. (Passion, Authenticity, Inclusion, Growth, Excellence) core values do you identify with most, and why? I identify with all …